A lot has changed since I last discussed the MVP Race.
Basically Carl Reid is the clear cut MVP at this point in the season. He played the first few matches at number 2, including the Thayer match when he would've played Richie Robbie. Yanofsky played 1 for Bel Hill and split with Robbie. Reid hasn't lost a set all season and he has signature wins over Andrew Lebovitz and Nate Collins. If he goes the rest of the season at number 1 without dropping a set there is zero doubt in my mind that he's the most deserving player to get MVP even though he's a freshman. My only concern is that even if he wins out that they will give MVP to a senior (probably Lebovitz) because the past four MVP Awards have all gone to seniors.
Jill Rooney won the Girls' MVP as a middle schooler 3 years ago so clearly the Girls' coaches don't have a bias against underclassmen. The reason why I'm afraid Reid won't get it though is because 2 years ago Tom Darling, a junior from Thayer was the strongest player in the league and yet the MVP award went to senior Alex Skinner of Brooks. I make that statement with no intended disrespect to Skinner because he's an incredible player, there's no denying though that Darling didn't drop any sets and he beat Skinner.
If Carl doesn't win MVP it will either go to Andrew Lebovitz '10 of Milton or Nate Collins '10 of Governor's. The loser of the Lebovitz-Collins match won't have a shot at MVP.
Agree? Disagree? Think that I left someone out of the discussion? Comment Below.
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